Transfer in Málaga Online shows you the charming towns of Malaga at Christmas.

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As good malagueños we are and we feel in Transfer in Málaga Online no we can not talk about how beautiful it is Málaga during Christmas. The lights adorning every corner of the center, nougat stalls and jokes "Paseo del Parque", the streets full of people, its Christmas markets, a hot chocolate in Málaga highlights cafes ... and a host of other things. But we must not forget that only Malaga is not pretty at Christmas, but their villages also adorn the streets and filled with beauty to receive this joyous time of year.

But, today on the blog Transfer in Málaga Online we take a tour of some of the villages in the province of Malaga that are also worth admiring at this time.

If you want to book your transfer transfer to any corner of the province of Málaga, do not hesitate to ask for a budget without any commitment via email info@transferenmalagaonline.esor through the following Contact form.

Remember that in Transfer in Málaga Online also perform pick ups prior reservation at Malaga Airport (Transfer Airport Málaga). Request your transfer or pickup at the airport in Malaga on the María Zambrano Station (Transfer Ave Malaga) or at the Maritime Station Malaga (Transfer Malaga Port). Just contact with Transfer in Malaga Online (Malaga Transfer) via phone (+34) 633 121 034 (number Transfer Málaga).

  • Christmas in Torremolinos:

A portion of the lighting of the streets and squares in Torremolinos we can find many more holiday activities, such as artificial ice rink found in the Plaza Jesús Santos Rein in Nogalera. We can also see different performances among which "bagpipes" and Christmas concerts. You can also visit the Bethlehem Municipal in the city of Torremolinos. You can find all the agenda at the next link.

(Book your transfer transfer toTorremolinos with Transfer in Málaga Online)

  • Living Nativity Almayate:

Do not miss visiting this wonderful spectacle that is joining the theater and music the birth of Jesus. The live nativity scene has only two passes, one on December 25 and one 26, both at 18pm. The event lasts about 2 hours in which we travel some 2000 years back in time. More information on the following link.

(Book your transfer transfer Almayate with Transfer in Málaga Online)

  • Christmas in Marbella:

As one of the most important towns in Malaga that is, Marbella offers many activities in the Christmas period for both the large and small.

In Marbella village we find, besides the Christmas lights, the home of Santa Claus for children, where they can lay their cards. You can also visit the Bethlehem Municipal Hall, see infant puppet workshops or performances by storytellers or enjoy a film festival of Christmas.

Santa Claus will visit Puerto Banús, and younger children can enjoy workshops and Christmas shows. Also landed the Kings on January 5th. You can find the entire program in the following link .

(Book your transfer transfer to Marbella with Transfer in Málaga Online)

  • Christmas in Antequera:

What we find in Antequera at Christmas? A part of the traditional Christmas lights, you find a large ice rink where children and adults were the roaring good. You can also visit your route schedule Nativity in 17h. to 20h. which participate in a contest where the best will be chosen by categories. In the Municipal Theatre El Torcal found a children's film cycle on December 13, 20 of December and January 3 with an entry price of € 1 .The house kids will enjoy singing Christmas workshops and games.

(Book your transfer transfer to Antequera with Transfer in Málaga Online)